Arogya Kendra
Our Motto: A Trust of Devotion, Love, Dedication and Service
Our Mission: To provide health which includes medical facility by identifying and serving the needy, destitute and underprivileged people
Our Objectives: Our Trust broadly has 8 objectives. 5 of the 8 objectives like identifying the needy people to provide the free medical facilities, conducting medical camps in rural areas, free health checkup & free medicines during medical camps and to educate people on how to love themselves are fulfilled.
Trust is working on fulfilling the remaining 3 of them. These include partnering with Corporates to adopt villages, tie-up with medical centers in Villages to provide various treatments to people as per the need and finally to establish, develop, maintain hospitals, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centers for the benefit and use of the poor and downtrodden people

Arogya Kendra
Our Trust has made inroads into the hearts of 40K+ people from about 172+ villages, who don’t have to worry about their health care needs for their entire lifetime. All they need to do is, to call us in case of any emergency. Our Trust has supported 10 major surgeries, 500+ Consultations and providing medicines to about 100+ people regularly. We have been recognized by World CSR Congress & Awards for the unconditional work we have done towards uplifting the rural health.

Help Offered
We want to provide health care to all the needy and destitute people, but might not be able to identify all of them. You can be the change; You can be the one who brings happiness to the life of a needy requiring immediate health care, by referring them to our Trust.

Registered Institution
"Give me the Children and I will change the Nation" said an eminent educationist. To play a vital role in building a strong nation, we should guide the students and imbibe the social responsibility in them. Along with academic knowledge, we need to enable students to shoulder the responsibility of national reconstruction. Our Trust is looking forward to partner with more institutes, so that they can inspire their students to have a spirit of social service.

Registered Hospitals
We rely on hospitals in our times of greatest need. Likewise, for our Trust, hospitals are the most eminent and crucial part of our success. We are looking forward to collaborate with hospitals to provide integrated support to our needy patients, paving way for strong reforms in Rural Health Care.

Doctor's Panel
In India, there is an old saying that doctors are second to god on this earth, we give our lives into their hands. Effective medicine is more than science, it is about understanding and caring for their patients. We are looking forward for enthusiastic doctors to be part of our esteemed panel of Doctors, who wants to be a change.
Our Partners & Donors
An act of good deed lasts long. Not only does it give you a sense of being a change-maker, it also helps bring light in many lives of needy and destitute people. Contributing with love for the cause is a great act of kindness. We want to thank all our partners and donors whose generous donations have helped to continue in realizing our Trust Goals and Mission. Our donors have shown that giving can feel just as good as receiving.
Tie Ups
Youth Wing
SSSAK Projects
Projects are the inspiration for our Trust which helps us to stay focused towards fulfilling our Trust Goals and Mission. Below are the list of such projects which our Trust is constantly pursuing to bring the change:
Door to Door Survey
Trust unique way to identify the needy by conducting door to door survey. During this survey Trust issues unique ID card called Arogya Card
Medical Camps
Medical camps helps in identifying and treating the needy. Health Camps are conducted for the cluster of villages. In these camps patients undergo detailed health check-ups...
Trust wants to bring the best care to patients door steps through Telemedicine. Plan is to open nodal points and have the patients connect with the best of the bet doctors from Bangalore.
Mobile Clinic
Trust wants to drive better healthcare outcomes, to promote value-based care and to improve the accessibility to care wants to launch fully fledged Mobile clinic.